Monday, June 17, 2013

Update on Chemo treatment plan

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while! I hope all of you dad's out there had a wonderful Father's Day. And yes, if you have pets, they count as your children:)

Today was our visit to "Dr. Poison" (his words, not ours) to learn about his concept of Chemo treatment for Bonnie. It's a little strange to meet with your chemo guy and having to walk past the room where your treatment will be. Bonnie would very much like to have her treatments elsewhere - you know- in a place where there's a manicurist and a mega phone so she can talk to EVERYONE that crosses her path!

Dr. Banerji reviewed the pathology report with us, which we were pretty familiar with already. But, it was nice to get his take on it since he sees it from a different perspective. Like us, he too was disappointed to see that the 2 lymph nodes with cancer cells had ruptured the membrane. Darn it! We were almost home free as far as radiation goes, except for that. We still won't know the outcome of any need for radiation until Bonnie is further into her chemo treatments.

So, it looks like she will begin her chemo runs (no pun intended) the 2nd week of July. Not a specific start date yet, but Bonnie will make that decision this week. Her treatment will be a chemo session every 3 weeks for 6 rounds (18 weeks). We are looking at the middle of November for her to finish chemo. Then, another 3-4 weeks to recover from that before moving on with Lord only knows what else. Each chemo session is 4-5 hours and will involve numerous drugs to deal with side effects, none of which I can pronounce.

The good news is Dr. Banerji was insistent upon a few things: plenty of water, plenty of sleep and plenty of exercise! Finally! Something we both agree on! The more fit Bonnie can be, the easier the side affects will be on her.

How can you help? Please walk with her, sit with her while she rides her stationary bike, etc. Being a spin and boot camp instructor, I know she won't want me around her for any of that:)

Although Bonnie was prepared for the need for chemo, it's another thing when you have to sit down and talk a treatment plan. I could see her anxiety and uncertainty rising throughout the conversation and can't imagine what it must feel like to hear those words coming at her. I am only a bystander and it made me very anxious. Bonnie's brave face is still there, but I do also see this as a beautiful opportunity for her to get connected to her body, and let others have the joy in caring for her. I know that's what I experienced while taking care of her after the surgery. And, I know all of you that care so deeply for my sister, feel that joy too!

Her next appointment is this Friday where she returns to McDreamy and hopes to not only get the drains removed but also get clearance to drive. Watch out!

Stay tuned for more as we get closer to her start date.


1 comment:

  1. Bonnie glad to hear you are doing well. Heather thanks for all the updates. Take care, Doreen
