Sunday, June 9, 2013

At home recovery update - Sunday

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for continuing to check the blog for updates. I went back to my house Friday night and will most likely stay here with visits to Bonnie during the week. She is still very much in the recovery phase and is coming along nicely with the exception of pain management. This is an area that we are still trying to get a grip on. The pain meds she has (2 kinds) are not really working so it is very difficult for her to get any relief. Tomorrow, she has a phone consult with her doctor and will discuss the pain issue with them in the hopes of getting something that will work. I do have her on one of my whole food products that she has been using to help her sleep (works great!) and am now having her take one during the day to help take the edge off. It is my hope that tomorrow we can get a resolution to this very draining issue.

For now, Bonnie will continue to rest at home, watch bad daytime TV and hopefully get some much needed sleep. We visit Dr. Mcdreamy on Wednesday for another check up, and expect to continue to get his seal of approval on her recovery.

Our next big appointment is on Monday, June 17th, when we visit the oncologist to get details on her chemo treatment. I will be sure to update the blog once we get some definitive information. I hope to also learn something about any possibility of radiation, as we are still unclear about that.

So, I will continue to post blogs, but for the next week, they may be a little more infrequent. Please continue to check in, even for my sarcastic jokes:)

As far as visits go, feel free to call her directly and see what she is up to. Once we get the pain level down, I'm sure she will be much more receptive to visitors.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. This is a long road we are all on, and I'm so happy to be able to walk this with my sister as well as all of you!


1 comment:

  1. From one Heather (next door neighbor) to another Heather (Nurse Ratched), thank you for keeping all of Bonnie's loved ones updated.
