Friday, June 7, 2013

At Home update

Hi Everyone,

Bonnie is coming along nicely. I think we have a routine established, which involves morning walks around the hood in her bathrobe and light socket hairdo, sipping tea while wandering around the house in "stepford" fashion, followed up with some drug induced hallucinations and a nice morning nap. Repeat. This is my life...:)

This morning we had a visit with Dr. "Mc" (you know the rest). Boy, did we both miss our hospital wake up call by him! He gave his stamp of approval on her progress with more instructions of continued rest and limited use of her arms. This is a very important phase of her healing, and I'm thankful to all of you for your patience. You all know Bonnie - if I give her a walk down to the corner, she thinks it means a trip to Disneyland. Needless to say, the good doctor wrote us a scrip for the stronger pain med, which really improves her ability to rest and heal (especially when I slip her a couple of extras just for fun!).

Bonnie will be up for some visits tomorrow. In order to keep her resting, we decided to keep "visiting hours" to 10am - 1pm. She has good energy once she is awake and I have knocked her around a bit. She does get tired towards the afternoon and thru the evening. It will be at least another full week or so before she will get clearance to drive or have full range of motion with her arms. And out!

I will continue in my roll as Nurse Ratched, however, I will be in and out this weekend. Hopefully, I will be able to meet those of you that I have not met yet.

On a serious note, Bonnie and I are very different in that she is clearly and extrovert and loves to meet new people. I am the opposite, being the shy, quiet one. For 50 years I have wondered why on earth she would need so many friends, while I am so very happy with my 5 (I made 2 new ones in the last 10 years) lifelong friends. With the out poring of love and support from all of you, I now understand how blessed my sister is.

See you all soon, I hope!
Nurse Ratched 

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