Wednesday, June 12, 2013

At home update - Wednesday

Hi Everyone,

It's hump day and the sun is out! What more could we ask for? How about some better pain killers for Bonnie (sounds of cheering in the background). Bonnie had a visit today with Dr. Apostolitis (aka: McDreamy) and things are moving along nicely. She has another appointment next Wednesday where he will consider removing the drains. That would be a real bonus! Let's pray for this, as that would really give her some relief and a little more Independence. Wait - maybe we shouldn't pray for Independence - you know how she gets:)

I will be visiting her tomorrow and getting a birds eye view on how she is doing, so I'll update the blog tomorrow afternoon as well.

The next big appointment is on June 17th - a visit with the oncologist to learn about the chemo treatment. I'll keep you updated on that as well.

Talk to you soon!

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