Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 2 hospital update

Good Morning All,

To back up a bit and update you on the surgery results: after her surgeon was done yesterday, she came to tell Tom and I that they did find cancer cells in the lymph nodes. They took out as many nodes as they could and they are now in for testing. We will get those results tomorrow afternoon when we meet with Dr. Wild after checking out. We do know there will be some form of chemotherapy, but we won't get details on that or radiation until tomorrow afternoon. We are disappointed about the chemo, but realize that things could be worse.

We had a pretty good night. Bonnie was able to rest despite the monitoring by the nurses. She is getting great care here and everyone is very friendly and helpful. We changed up her pain meds as the original one wasn't working very well, so we are making some progress.

Our morning started with drool on my pillow, Bonnie's hair looking lovely, and a very early morning visit with McDreamy. He is really happy with her progress - no bruising and tissue is nice and pink and healthy. We are due to see him again tomorrow morning before she goes home (I'm waking up extra early to at least get mascara on both of us!).

Bonnie is in more pain today, but she is respecting her body and getting lots of rest. We went for a nice walk around the halls (no - I didn't leave the back of her gown open) and her drains are working nicely. I visited the cafeteria, and I am happy to report they carry lots of fresh, healthy foods, fruit and teas. Of course, I was slightly tempted to bring her a doughnut:)

We will limit visitors today, due to the increase in pain and added need for rest. The girls spoke with Bonnie last night and they are feeling pretty good her being here. They will come visit her later today/tomorrow.

I will get another post in as soon as I can get a connection tomorrow morning. It's a little difficult, as they don't have WiFi.

Thanks again everyone. I'm passing along your text messages and blog comments. Thanks so much for the love and prayers!

Nurse Ratched

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything is going well. Love the updates Heather.
