Saturday, June 22, 2013

Great news!

Hi Everyone,

Happy 2nd day of summer! It's a beautiful day today and I'm happy to report that Bonnie is enjoying the sunshine DRAIN FREE! Yes!! She visited Dr. McDreamy yesterday afternoon and removed the drains. No pain and a quick process. This is a big step in her recovery and she is really, really relieved to have some more freedom. Her body is still healing, but coming along very nicely. The best part was hearing she went and celebrated with a Margarita at Alfonso's in La Jolla. I'm happy that each little victory is being recognized. Wish I could have been there to raise a glass (or five) to my awesome nursing skills. After all, isn't this really what it's all about?

The next step will be to get approval to start driving. We are hoping that she will hear from him very soon, as that will be another positive step forward. It will also be another headache for me, as I will need to spend time trying to keep her from over doing it (along with the rest of you guys!). If anyone knows where I can buy one of those children's dog leashes you see on kids at Disneyland, let me know. I'm interested. I'll make it fit her one way or the other:)

Jeep 3-in-1 Backpack Harness - Jeep  - Babies"R"Us

So, along with this new found freedom, comes some challenges: can she wash her hair by herself? can she bake without full range of motion of her arms? I for one, look forward to seeing what Bonnie Crocker can produce in the kitchen.

A goal for Bonnie is to start exercising (what's that? you need to start to?). After years of teaching fitness classes, I landed on the following saying, as the best motivation: Exercise first thing in the morning before your brain knows what you are doing! It would be great if we could start a walking group combined with a weight training session with Bonnie. She would be great motivation for anyone that also wants to workout. Just be sure she has her harness on so she doesn't get too far ahead of you!

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.”
Henry David Thoreau

Enjoy the sunshine,


  1. OK, I'm in the know now so watch out. Heather, I got your back with the harness issue. Let me know if you need any spares. I have a few of Bradley's laying around the house (and no, I am not comparing Bonnie to my pet pig; the harness would obviously require some adjustments).

    I'm also available to relieve you (Heather) from Bonnie-sitting duty; just say the word. You know from numerous oats experiences that I can hang as well as you. Lemme at her!

    I'm happy to provide assistance in any form that would be helpful: meals, chauffeur, activity coordinator, teen central (lots of cute boys and unacceptable video games at my place, in addition to said pig), husband outings (anything to get him out of the house, right?)...even a non-judgmental shoulder to cry on (for either Bonnie OR Heather, or Tammy or Kiki for that matter) - I can do it, I swear. I'll check in

  2. So my comment posted when it was supposed to be a preview, thus the typos. Rather than re-post the entire commentary, I'll leave it as is. Just couldn't stand the thought of anyone thinking I didn't proof my post. Yes, I'm that anal.
