Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Check out day!

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday was a challenge but we ended up increasing her pain meds which made a big difference. Bonnie was able to get comfortable towards the late afternoon and had a good night of rest as well. The staff here is so great and they are really supportive of a patients need for sleep.

Our morning started off around 7am with room service. This morning's special was a "lovely" bran muffin, followed up with smelly "astronaut" eggs. You know the kind - powdered eggs with some luke warm water mixed in. Delicious! Luckily, I brought some homemade breakfast bars (Bonnie is finally accepting them) and we still have some yummy snacks that various friends have brought over.

Around 7:30 McDreamy visited to check her progress and everything looks really great. He is really pleased with how she is healing and that there is no bruising. I wonder why he gave me a weird look when I asked him to check my "dressings"?  We have instructions (ok - I have the instructions as Bonnie is too stoned to remember anything) to get her home, showered and comfortable.

As today is check out day, we will be unavailable after 12 noon. That will give Bonnie time this morning to visit with people, get in a good nap, and be ready to go by 3pm. After check out, we go right over to see her surgeon and get the results from the pathology report and hopefully more details on chemo and any possibility of radiation. I don't expect us to have her home until around 5pm or later.

If possible, I will try and post another update tonight regarding the results, but it will depend on how much time it takes me to get her settled in. Otherwise, I will update in the morning.

As Bonnie's body is still reeling from the surgery, it would be best if we held off on home visits until this weekend. Because she is so loaded up on meds, it's hard for her to understand the impact of all of this on her body, so I have to keep her rest time the main priority. I know she loves hearing from all of you, as I read her your texts, emails and blog comments. We both continue to be grateful for all the love and support. Thank you all for being so patient in regards to the visits. I know it's hard for all of you to not be able to see her, but I know she will also want to shower, wash her hair and have Marcia put on her "baby Jane" makeup so she can look presentable:)

Thanks again and love to all!


  1. I think Nurse Ratchet needs to change her name to Nurse Nightingale because her caregiving is amazing! Along with some good-natured sibling bickering (and the Manson girls consider this bantering fun) there is a lot of TLC. We are lucky to have Heather at Bonnie's side.

  2. Cant wait to see you soon Bonnie sweetie!!! Thanks for the updates Heather. We are sure thinking about you ... sending you good thoughts. Is that really a picture of Bonnie's surgeon? If so, I have a pain in my side, and I'm pretty sure something needs to come out. Hugs and prayers to you. Tim
