Friday, June 28, 2013

A new 'do and attitude!

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all enjoying this great summer weather and deep fried fair food! I went to the fair the other night to see "Who's Bad", a Michael Jackson tribute band. Made me miss the King of Pop even more. There's nobody like him. On top of that, I went to the fair 2 days into my 21 days Cleanse Program - no fair food for me. Hopefully one of you will enjoy a deep fried Oreo on my behalf:)

Bonnie is going really well. She's enjoying her new found freedom and taking advantage of her driving opportunities. The frustrating part is that most of her driving involves doctor appointments instead of Girl Scout meetings or shopping for some party she is planning. Cancer sucks! However, the brave face stays on knowing that this too shall pass.

Yesterday Bonnie, Bug and B made a trip to Lisa to get a new hairdo in anticipation of the loss of her hair at some point during the treatment. Unfortunately I could not join in the event, but I know Lisa took good care of all of them. Bonnie has a zip in her step and a new hairdo to go with it. She looks great and it's nice to see the girls involved as well. Take a look:

There are a couple of issues she is still dealing with: the swelling in her arm is the main one at this point. She is getting PT to help with the range of motion and to get the fluid to drain properly. Although this is really annoying, Bonnie isn't letting that keep her down.

The next big step will be on July 8th when Bonnie goes in to have the chemo shunt (?) put in. That will be a very early morning appointment that Tom will take her to.
Chemo will start the next day on July 9th. I will take her to this appointment and entertain her with my dry wit and awesome vocal skills. No seriously - I will just sit there while she talks to every single person in the chemo room. 4-5 hours of this? I wonder if I can get a Vodka drip line for me??

The good news is that although she will be making regular trips to "Dr. Poison", our little sister and her family (including the new baby she is adopting) will be down to visit on July 12th. It will be great to see her and to get the sisters and cousins together. It's nice to have something to look forward to other than doctor appointments.

Continued thanks to all of you for your love and support. Enjoy your summer days!


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