Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hi Everyone,

I'm baaack! Did you miss me? Hope so. I really hope all of you have had a wonderful summer and you are all healthy and happy.

Bonnie is back on the road to surgery, so get ready for some more updates, sarcastic comments and pictures of Bonnie drooling on her pillow:)

The story left off with Bonnie being declared "cancer free" and focused on getting her health back. She spent the summer doing, oh you know, nothing. Ya right! You know Bonnie - a busy bee for sure.

The family went on the Mediterranean cruise that they were meant to go on the summer she was diagnosed. The visted Greece, Turkey and Italy. This pictures are amazing and everyone had a great time. Bonnie stayed healthy through the whole trip and summer, and we all are really grateful about that. Brenna has started her senior year of high school (wow, I feel old) and Bug is still dancing her jig. Tom is busy working hard and trying to find surf:)

Bonnie's tissue has healed well and our wonderful - ok, HOT, Dr A felt she was ready for reconstruction. Bonnie's busy schedule had a "opening" this month, so here we go again!

This Wednesday, September 17th, Bonnie will go in for her reconstructive surgery. This will be a long surgery, about 7 hours, as it will involve extracting her belly fat and using it to construct breasts. This procedure was the best choice, as her body is so prone to reject foreign materials that it didn't seem wise to go straight for implants right away. The use of her own cells and fat will help her body to form new breasts, while maintaining a healthy interior environment.

Bonnie will be staying in the hospital for about 5 days, post surgery. She will be placed in ICU just to ensure that she gets regular attention as they try and manage the pain. It is a difficult surgery to recover from. Once she is released from the hospital, she will come to my house to recover for at least another week. It will be about 4-6 weeks, post surgery, before she can expect to drive or stand upright.

I will add more to the blog once I get some more details and visit her on Wednesday after the surgery.

Since she is in ICU, visitors will be limited to family and a few close friends. I know I speak for Bonnie when I thank you all for your patience and support. This has and continues to be a challenging journey for her and our family, but it is made easier knowing you are all out there sending her your prayers and positive thoughts.

Love, Heather/Nurse Ratchet

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