Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bonnie's Out of the Hospital!

Hi Everyone,

I'm happy to finally report that Bonnie is out of the hospital and at my house starting her long road to recovery. She is exhausted but in good spirits. Let's back up a few days and bring you all up to speed:

Surgery day ended up being about a 12 hour surgery. The abdominal part of the surgery ended up taking longer than expected but Dr A did a great job in connecting blood vessels, etc. She has a decent night and was under the influence of some serious meds, which helped the situation quite a bit.

The next morning brought some bad news as a result of serious inflammation in the left breast, along with discoloration of the tissue. This was pretty alarming as it could have meant that the tissue was dying and not getting enough blood. It looked like a real possibility she would lose the breast he had just created. Dr A took her back into surgery that afternoon and cleaned out the are of inflammation, etc and was able to save the breast. Thankfully, this was a short surgery and a successful one. Thank God for Dr. A and his training/skills!

Yesterday I arrived at the hospital to find Bonnie sitting up in a chair and looking tired but in pretty good shape. Dr. A arrived shortly after I did and we were able to take a look at the results. I was really impressed, as the tissue and the surrounding area look so much better than I thought it would. I felt immense relief and I know Bonnie will be happy with the results once she can wrap her brain around all of it. 

After cracking a few jokes and having fun with Nurse Wendy, we were finally on our way home. Nurse's assistance Tank and Buck ( our two black labs) were on high alert and ready to assist in any way.  One of the great thing about labs is their sensitivity to others. They always know when someone isn't feeling well. Tank made it his goal to follow Bonnie where she went and sit next to her with a worried look on his face. Buck stood guard at her door. Ok-enough about my amazing dogs:) 

It took some time to get her settled into her new bedroom, get some food in her, get all her meds together, etc. She is looking forward to a nice hot shower today and maybe a little sitting in the sunshine this afternoon. My goal is to slowly ease her into some more foods and LOTS of rest. She is completely exhausted and just starting to get an understanding of just how taxing this has been on her body. 

I am not sure about visitors yet, but will keep you posted on what she prefers. She is moving along slowly, but in great spirits. She is aware of all of the well wishes and love coming her way. 

Thank you all for your continued support! I'll keep posting when I'm not nursing our patient:)

Love, Heather

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