Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bonnie's Reconstructive Surgery 9/17

Hi Everyone,

Well, it's been an interesting 24 hours. As always, there has to be some kind of hiccup with our "special" patient. I don't have a lot of details, as I have not been to the hospital yet - Bonnie's request for no visitors, so I'll give you what information I have. Here's a recap of the last 24 hours:
Bonnie went in for surgery at around 7am-ish on Wednesday 9/17 and ended up being in there for about 12 hours. The goal was to take the fat from her belly and construct 2 breasts by inserting the fat into the breast area. Removing the belly fat proved to take longer than expected. One of the challenges Dr A faced was in trying to reconnect blood vessels to ensure the continuous and proper flow of blood to the tissue so it doesn't die. Although it took longer than expected, she held up well.

After the surgery was done, at around 7pm-ish, she was in recovery for about an hour, then went into her room in ICU. She was heavily sedated as they pretty much spent the night managing her pain level.

Thursday morning greeted us with pretty heavy inflammation in one of the breasts. Dr A knew there was a 50% chance of that happening, so it wasn't a surprise. He felt it necessary to take her back into surgery this afternoon with the idea that he would need to remove the fat deposits he made in that area. That would leave her with one breast and an issue that would need to be addressed later.

Turns out that didn't need to happen. What?! I know, I can't keep up with this story either. I received a text from Bonnie at around 6pm. Hopefully she knows that she sent it, as she appears to be pretty stoned:)  The text stated that the surgery went well and that Dr A did not have to remove the fat after all. She isn't sure why, or what happened - again - stoned, but the good news is she's back on track.  I'm sure the rest of the night will again be spent managing her pain levels.

It is my hope that to be able to see her tomorrow and get some solid information to share. It's killing me, Nurse Ratchet, to not be there and help her. I certainly trust Dr A, but I sure would feel better to get some first hand feedback from a hot doctor rather than from my drugged up sister. Plus, I can take embarrassing pictures to share with all of you!

I'll keep you all posted as I get more information. Please keep the prayers coming.

XOXO, Heather

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