Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bonnie's formal Diagnosis

Hi Everyone,
I thought it would be helpful for all of you to know Bonnie's formal diagnosis. She has "Ductal Carcinoma invasive/DCIS". Huh? What's that? It's basically good news, as far as bad new goes. She has one tumor in her right breast. It is invasive and contained in the duct. The tumor was discovered early and the prognosis is really good. All of her doctors have really positive thoughts about her recovery. This week continues to be a fact finding mission, with more information being provided in regards to the surgery. Her surgery is scheduled for the morning of June 3rd.
What we won't know until after the surgery is if she will need chemo and/or radiation. That will depend on what the pathology report reveals. We will not get those results until possibly a week or so after the surgery. That will be a long week, but she will be focused on recovering from the surgery, eating delicious home cooked meals by some of you, and reading my witty posts on this blog.
Bonnie would like to remind all of you of the importance of getting your yearly mammogram (remember - she's the oldest sister and has to remind people of things).

For now, Bonnie is busy getting the kids ready for birthday parties, end of school, keeping Charlie from chewing up the house, and will hopefully find time to bake Nurse Ratched (that's me) some of her yummy chocolate chip cookies:)

Talk to ya'll soon!


  1. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way, my friend. Time to let people do for you! From the Duran and Castle Families.

  2. Chapman! Let us know what you and the kids need. Also, tell Tom to meet me at Ballast Point when you want some quiet time.


  3. I love you Bon! Thinking of you today, Stasia
