Friday, May 24, 2013

Blogger Introduction

Hi Everyone,

I am Heather Gregory, Bonnie's much younger and less wrinkled sister. I will be responsible for posting sensitive, heartfelt, embarrassing, humerous blogs about my sister's cancer treatment and progress. It is my hope that my blogs will bring you all comfort and laughter during this stressful time. I will thank you all in advance for caring so much for Bonnie. She is very fortunate to be surrounded by so many loving and thoughtful friends. I will also thank you for your anticipated appreciation of my sarcastic sense of humor, a valuable trait that helped secure me this position.

I look forward to meeting all of you and thanking you personally for your love, patience and support for my sister.

Just to give you an idea of the important, serious information that is about to be posted on this site, I thought I would start by introducing you to her young, very attractive Plastic Surgeon. He is a genius!

Looking forward to keeping you all updated.

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