Thursday, August 29, 2013

Chemo Number 3

Hi Everyone,

As some of you know, Bonnie had her 3rd chemo treatment yesterday. This was about a week later than originally planned, due in part to her recent stay at the Scripps Spa and Resort. Dr Banerji thought it would be a good idea to delay the treatment by a week, in order to give Bonnie more time to heal and increase her white blood cell count. Oh ya, he was also in Hawaii on vacation:)

Since Bonnie was released from the "spa" she has spent time resting and recovering along with the normal routine of getting the girls ready for school, raising dear Charlie (little terror) and keeping the house running. Geez - doesn't sound like any rest time to me. I'm tired just typing this!

Now that the recovery phase has started, let's keep the prayers going so she has a fighting chance of avoiding another infection and landing back in the spa. This is something to avoid at all costs, so we also want to remember to avoid her kids and the house altogether if you or your kids have been exposed to any illnesses, etc. 

As the summer winds down and the kids get in their last dose of sunshine and fun, we can officially turn our thoughts to Christmas. What??!! Is she crazy??!! I thought that too when I went to Costco 2 weeks ago and saw Christmas decorations up. I'm a huge Christmas fan , but come on. Really? It's August and hot as you know what outside! 

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


  1. Looking good, Bonnie. Carry on with the healing! Thinking of you, Doreen

  2. Hi Heather! I was reading up on Bonnie's progress and glad to see that she is half way there! I had a quick question about your blog and was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) Thanks : )

