Monday, December 9, 2013

And Finally.......Some Great news!!!

Hello Everyone,

Since Bonnie was released from "the spa", she has been faced with daily doses of antibiotics and various doctor visits. It's almost hard to remember that her calendar used to be filled with Girl Scout Meetings, carpools and party planning. One day, those things will once again take over her calendar and this past year will be a distant memory about a hard fought battle, with a wonderful outcome.

This past Friday Bonnie finally got the best news we could have hoped for . NO RADIATION!!
She consulted with her radiologist who gave her all of the criteria by which he makes his decision. Even after getting his expert advise, Bonnie did the right thing and had him present her case to an expert panel. They too decided that she did not fit the criteria and radiation was not recommended.

Praise Jesus. We were beginning to wonder if he heard our prayers, as it seemed anything that could go wrong, was going wrong. Did we not pray the "right" way? Not often enough? No, it was just another test of faith: "Let all that I am Praise the Lord: May I never forget the good things he has done for me". Psalm 103:2

This good news has brought a whole new meaning to this Thanksgiving. Too often we tend to focus on what is not right in our lives, what we want but don't have, what we desire but don't always deserve. This can take us away from realizing all that we DO have, right here, right now. I know this Thanksgiving, and everyday, I have so much to be thankful for. My sister has fought a hard battle, bares her scars with pride and a smile. Our little sister has opened her heart and her home to a little baby that otherwise may have fallen into the foster system and been forgotten. This baby is now surrounded with love and hope. My family is happy and healthy and we are expecting our first grandchild in December. Life is wonderful and I am thankful.

How about you? What will you be thankful for? Is there something or someone that you need to really focus on and truly be grateful? How about yourself? How often do we bring the focus on our own dreams and goals and make ourselves a priority? I offer you a challenge to really think hard about the blessings in your life. You know - the ones that you don't ordinarily think of as a blessing. For example: my daughter is a procrastinator. Drives me nuts. I can't stand it and I'm on her all the time to "make plans". I realized that I need to see her as she is: a hard working, smart, funny young woman who is finding her way in the world. And, I am grateful for her and frankly, I'm grateful that I learned to step back, breath and let her be. It's a process.

Whatever you give thanks for, I wish you and your families a very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving. I too give thanks to all of you. My faith in the human spirit and our ability to reach out to others in need has increased tenfold thanks to all of you and your generosity.


And Finally.......released from the "Spa"

Hi Everyone,

I have missed posting updates for you and thank you for your patience. The time lapse was due to yet another unexpected, lengthy stay at the Scripps Resort & Spa. As some of you know, Bonnie developed another fever after her last and final chemo treatment, causing her to miss the Susan Komen Cancer Run. That was really upsetting as she really wanted to be there to thank everyone for their support and be amongst her new "cancer sisters/warriors". There were over 70 people in Bonnie's group, which included a mix of wonderful family, friends and NCL members. There was a total of over 14,000.00 participants. It was an incredible experience.

The fever turned into Neutropenia again and Bonnie was back on very serious antibiotics, a special diet and no visitors. In addition, the infections were not responding as well as the doctors had hoped, so she ended up having one surgery to clean out the infection. This was a serious operation, as the infection was very intense.
This was followed up by a second surgery to remove the port. Although nobody really wanted to do this, it was important as that area was also becoming infected and not responding well to treatment. Needless to say, we are all sick of the word "surgery".
After a 2 weeks stay at Scripps, Bonnie was finally released. Her immune system was seriously compromised and any germ or bacteria is something to consider.
The girls, Tom and the dogs are so happy to have her back home. It's also nice for Bonnie to be in comfortable surroundings and have some sense of normalcy.
Thanks to ALL of you for your unending love and prayers.