Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Post Chemo update

Hi Everyone,

I know I should be posting a blog about Bonnie's last chemo treatment or about the amazing turn out at the Susan Komen Breast Cancer run last Sunday. I wish that were the case. Those blogs will be up soon. Instead, I did want to update everyone on Bonnie's post chemo progress.

As you may know she had her last treatment last Tuesday. Friday came in with a bang, and greeted her with the usual post chemo "can I feel any worse" morning. Things progressed from there and resulted in her getting a fever on Saturday. Although she was in situation to get lots and lots of rest, the fever was persistent. Her oncologist put her on antibiotics right away as well as Tylenol which really helped to keep the fever down. Despite that, as soon as it wore off, the fever was back.

Unfortunately, things did not improve. Sunday resulted in her missing the cancer run (she was really disappointed about that) and continuing to fight a fever and persistent "chemo rash". The pain from that kept getting worse. Bonnie was in contact with her doctors and on Monday she went in to the oncologists office to get on a much stronger dose of antibiotics. While she was there, he decided that the "rash"looked more like an infection and he made the right decision in admitting her into the "Scripps Spa and Resort" - again.

Last night she was admitted and they discovered that she was again Neutropenic. This put her back on a limited diet, no visitors and antibiotics the likes of which I hope nobody else has to have. This is proving to yet again, test the patience of Bonnie and our family. She is waiting to see one of her doctors tonight, who treated her the last time she had this problem. They will discuss her options of antibiotics after she is released, and hopefully be able to determine a release date.

In addition, Dr A will perform surgery again to clean out any infection and stuff that he finds inside her. He will also remove her port. Not sure yet if another one will be replaced. It seems as though any foreign object in her body is not welcomed. I don't know the surgery date yet, but I'm thinking possibly tomorrow.

As always Bonnie is in good spirits and is hanging in there. As there are no visitors allowed, I will do my best to keep the blog updated on her progress.

Thanks so much for the love and support!